Item & Vehicle Photo Editing

If you are looking to showcase your favourite item or sell something online let us help you. We can present your priceless item in a way that shows off its grandeur or we could significantly improve the chances of selling your item with exceptional presentation. We can help add value to your item with our high quality digital photo editing. We also provide vehicle photo editing, which includes the inside and outside of your vehicle. Contact us today for a quote!

What We Can Do

  • Add or remove a person or object from a photo
  • Colour correction and contrast adjustments
  • Switch faces and bodies to another photo
  • Horizontal / vertical straightening
  • Remove the background from your photo or change it to any colour
  • Blur the background
  • Red eye removal
  • Resizing / Cropping

Our prices start at $49 + GST and we can complete your editing within 3 business days! Click Here to request a quote.

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