Real Estate Photo Editing

If you are an individual or real estate agent looking to sell a house, we can help you present your property in the best possible way. Digital Photo Editing provides comprehensive digital photo editing for both the internal and external aspects of the house. We can help you to professionally showcase your property, including any surrounding areas such as gardens, swimming pools, trees, lawns, etc. Once we have edited your digital photos it can help to significantly enhance the look of your property and improve your chances of getting a sale!

What We Can Do

  • Add or remove a person or object from a photo
  • Colour correction and contrast adjustments
  • Switch faces and bodies to another photo
  • Horizontal / vertical straightening
  • Remove the background from your photo or change it to any colour
  • Blur the background
  • Red eye removal
  • Resizing / Cropping

Our prices start at $49 + GST and we can complete your editing within 3 business days! Click Here to request a quote.

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